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2008 개정 교육과정에 따른 초등학교 3학년 검정 영어교과서 분석

An Analysis of Authorized 3rd Grade English Textbooks Based on the 2008 Revised Curriculum


The English curriculum for Korean elementary school students was revised in 2008 with the aim to promote the development of their communicative ability. Based on the new curriculum, new textbooks were developed by many authors and fourteen English textbooks were authorized by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. These new textbooks for 3rd grade students of Korean elementary schools began to be used. In this situation, it is necessary to research on how well-organized the new textbooks are and what problems they may have. This study aims to make a suggestion with the hope to resolve the problems, if any, in 3rd grade elementary English textbooks. In this study, the three most popular third grade English textbooks and teacher's books used by elementary schools located in Seoul and Kyeong-gi Province have been selected and analyzed according to six parts of aims, contents of cultural, material, communicational functions in the textbooks, vocabulary, teaching methods and an assessment. The results of this study show that all authorized English textbooks seem to employ the principles of the 2008 revised curriculum, but some parts in the textbooks are not strongly based on the suggestions made in the 2008 revised curriculum. The results of analysis and the measures for improvements that need to be taken are summarized in the following: First, six parts of the communication functions are not evenly employed in the textbooks. Some of the functions are left out, and textbook A, in particular, does not contain the part of 'response of suggestion' although it contains the part of 'suggestion'. Second, although the curriculum states that cultural education should be covered in the course material, textbook B does not contain various cultural contents. On the other hand, textbook A shows cases from various universal culture and Korean tradition. Third, the curriculum sets the vocabulary standard at 120 words or less for the third grade, but the actual amount of vocabulary present in the textbooks is 136 words for textbook A and is 152 words for textbook B. And textbook C has 139 words. Especially textbook C contains 25 words in just chapter 1. In order to lessen the burdens for the third grade students, the amount of words should be listed evenly in every chapter. Fourth, for the analysis in teaching and learning method, various games, chants, songs are provided to the students so they can be exposed to an abundant practice. Overall, there are many large groups and small groups consisting of 4 or 5 students activities. But, textbook C contains many pair works compared to three textbooks. Activities of pair works should be supplemented in order to help students to communicate spontaneously in any kind of real life situation. Fifth, for the analysis of an assessment, textbooks A, B, C mainly contain assessments only in observation assessment and formative assessment. However, none of diagnostic assessment and performance evaluations is applied. There is a need for various ways of assessments, considering the affective aspect for the students who begin to learn English at school.
