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대중가요를 활용한 고등학교 '한국사' 수업 교재 연구 : 일제시기를 중심으로

Study on 'Korean History' Class Textbooks Utilizing Pop Music : Concentrating on Japanese Colonial Period


역사수업에서 과거를 이해할 수 있는 모든 자료는 수업의 자료로서 가치가 있다. 최근에는 다양한 비문자 자료를 활용하여 과거를 이해하고자 한다. 비문자 자료로는 생활도구, 사진, 그림, 노래 등이 있다. 비문자 자료로서 대중가요는 음률로 곡의 분위기를 파악하고 가사를 통해 당시대인의 감정을 이해 할 수 있어 학생들이 감정이입적으로 역사를 이해할 수 있다. 또한 대중가요의 창작배경은 시대적 상황과 무관하지 않기 때문에 역사적 사실에 대한 학습도 가능하다. 교재 구성의 주제는 고등학교 ‘한국사’ 「Ⅶ. 전체주의의 대두와 민족 운동의 발전」단원에서 내용을 선정하였다. 1930년대 이후 달라지는 일제의 정책에 따른 사람들의 삶의 모습을 식민지 현실, 체제 저항과 체제 순응하는 소재의 대중가요를 통해 살펴보았다. 두 번째 주제는 근대의 모습과 다양한 일상을 노래하는 대중가요 속에 나타난 도시공간에서 살아가는 다양한 민중들의 삶의 모습을 살펴 볼 수 있는 교재를 재구성하였다. 일제시기 등장하는 대중가요를 수업에서 활용하기 위해서 사용할 대중가요가 신중하게 검토되어야 한다. 무엇보다도 학습주제와 수업내용에 적합한 대중가요를 선정하고 당시 사람들의 정서를 잘 노래하고 있는 대중가요를 선택하여 학생들에게 역사적 사실을 이끌어 줄 수 있도록 노력하였다. 또한 대중가요의 장점을 극대화 할 수 있는 발문을 만들어 학생들이 대중가요를 통해 감정이입적 역사이해를 하고 대중가요를 감상하고 불러보는 활동을 포함하였다. 학생들의 활동을 유발할 수 있도록 노래가사 고쳐보기, 편지쓰기 등의 활동을 함께 제시해 주었다.



All the data enabling the understanding of the past are valuable class material in history education. Recently, there has been attempts to utilize various non-letter data other than the primary data composed of letters in order to understand the past. They are the necessities, photos, pictures, and songs that consist of non-letter data. The utilization of various data is advantageous since it induces students' interest and encourages class participation and activities through the understanding and interpretation of the data. Pop music, as non-letter data, enables students to grasp the atmosphere of the songs through the tones and to understand contemporary people's emotion through the lyrics. It eventually leads them to understand history from an empathic view. Also, since the backgrounds for pop music creation is inseparable to the times, study of the historical facts is also possible. There are numerous genres and subjects of pop music according to the times. Among them, those from Japanese colonial era constitute a lot of songs describing nostalgia and gloomy atmosphere of the era. Through the lives and feelings of the people appearing in pop music of Japanese colonial era, we can look into the Japanese colonial policies and circumference of the times. Prior to the composition of teaching materials, I summarized pop music after 1930s. I selected contents from high school 'Korean History's 「Ⅶ. The Advent of Totalitarianism and the Development of Nationalism」chapter as the subject of the teaching material. The first subject was 'Japanese colonial policies and sufferings of the nation'. I examined the changing lives of people under the new colonial policies after 1930s through the pop music covering the reality of the colony, resistance and accommodation movements. Melancholy melody of pop music well-reflected the emotion of people leaving their hometown, and a song of a son missing his mother at a battle showed Japanese plundering of personal and material resources in 1930s. For the second subject, I reconstructed a text through which students can look into various lives of city dwellers described in pop music about modern era and diverse daily lives. The inflow of the modern culture in 1930s brought modernization of cities, but not every class in cities enjoyed its benefit. I could examine the dualism of the contemporary city life through the pop music singing about modernized cities of 1930s. In order to utilize pop music of Japanese colonial era, the songs to be used should be under a strict selection process. More than anything else, I tried to let students learn historical facts by selecting proper pop music that corresponds to the subject and study contents, and well-reflects the feelings of people of those times. Also, I included step-stones to magnify positiveness of pop music so that students can understand history with empathy, appreciate pop music, and try singing those music. I suggested activities such as re-writing lyrics and writing letters to induce students' involvement. This study has limitation of not being proved of its efficacy since the designed textbook has not been applied in actual classes. However, according to the previous researches that involved actual teaching, I could confirm that history education utilizing pop music interested students and increased participation. Pop music has developed into numerable genres and subjects after the liberation and throughout the 60s and 70s. I expect there would be more developed studies on the utilization of pop music in history classes by selecting songs that well-reflect the circumference of the times. Also, I hope the educational efficacy of pop music to be verified by utilizing them in classes.
