검색 상세

A Study on the Effect of CEO Birthplace and Environmental Performance


Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Research motivation and purpose 1
1.2 Dissertation Overview 4
Chapter 2. Literature Review 5
2.1. Upper Echelons Theory 5
2.2. Imprinting Theory 6
2.3. Birthplace effect 8
2.4. CEO's birthplace studies 9
2.5. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 11
2.6. Environmental performance 14
Chapter 3. Hypotheses Development 17
3.1. CEO birthplace and Environment performance 17
3.2. Moderating effect 21
3.2.1. CEO's overseas experience 21
3.2.2. State-Owned-Enterprise (SOE) 22
3.2.3. Industry average environmental performance 23
Chapter 4. Methodology 26
4.1. Sample and data collection 26
4.2. Variables 27
4.2.1. Independent variable 27
4.2.2. Dependent variable 28
4.2.3. Moderator variables 28
4.2.4. Control variables 29
4.3. Model 31
Chapter 5. Results 33
5.1. Descriptive results 33
5.2. FGLS results 33
Chapter 6. Conclusion 40
References 43
