검색 상세

Perfluorosulfonic-Acid Ionomer Electrochemical Adhesive with Long- Lasting High Force Capacity without External Power Input

외부 전력 공급 없이 장시간 접착 성능 유지하는 퍼플루오로술폰산 이오노머 기반 전기화학 접착제


Chapter 1 Introduction 8
Chapter 2 Electrochemical Adhesion Mechanism Definition 12
2.1 Material Selection and Electrical Analysis of Electrochemical Reaction 12
2.2 Surface Analysis of Electrochemical Reaction 15
Chapter 3 Adhesion Energy of Electrochemical Adhesive 19
3.1 Fracture Mechanics Analysis of Electrochemical Adhesive 19
3.2 Device Performance of Electrochemical Adhesive 23
Chapter 4 Conclusion 26
Supporting Information 28
SI 1. Chemicals 28
SI 2. Experimental Methods 28
SI 2.1 Electrochemical Analysis 28
SI 2.2 Optical Surface Analysis 29
SI 2.3 Lap Shear Test 29
References 34
