검색 상세

Development of FRET-based Terephthalic Acid Sensors by Genetically Incorporating a Fluorescent Amino Acid


1. Introduction 1
1.1 Genetic Incorporation of Unnatural Amino Acids into Protein ·1
1.2 FRET-based Sensors 3
1.3 Importance of Terephthalic Acid Sensing 5
2. Experimental Section 7
2.1 General 7
2.2 Cloning Information 7
2.3 Expression and Purification of Sensor Protein 12
2.4 TPA Titration & Selectivity Test for TPA Analogs 13
3. Result and Discussion 14
3.1 Sensor Protein Design 14
3.2 CouA Incorporation Check by SDS-PAGE Imaging 25
3.3 FRET Ratio Measurement of Sensor Proteins with TPA 26
3.4 Selectivity Test for Sensor Protein 28
4. Conclusion 30
5. References 32
