Static-state particle fabrication via rapid vitrification of a thixotropic medium
- 발행년도 2021
- 총서유형 Journal
- 본문언어 영어
초록/요약 도움말
Functional particles that respond to external stimuli are spurring technological evolution across various disciplines. While large-scale production of functional particles is needed for their use in real-life applications, precise control over particle shapes and directional properties has remained elusive for high-throughput processes. We developed a high-throughput emulsion-based process that exploits rapid vitrification of a thixotropic medium to manufacture diverse functional particles in large quantities. The vitrified medium renders stationary emulsion droplets that preserve their shape and size during solidification, and energetic fields can be applied to build programmed anisotropy into the particles. We showcase mass-production of several functional particles, including low-melting point metallic particles, self-propelling Janus particles, and unidirectionally-magnetized robotic particles, via this static-state particle fabrication process. Upscale fabrication of functionalized microparticles is a pending challenge. Here, Kim et al. exploit the rheology of a thixotropic medium to grind sizeable amounts of raw material into well-defined colloidal dispersions, physically stabilized for further production steps.