A low-power nanoelectromechanical (NEM) device with Al-doped HfO2-based ferroelectric capacitor
- 주제(키워드) 도움말 Nanoelectromechanical (NEM) device , Ferroelectric (FE) , Negative capacitance (NC)
- 발행년도 2021
- 총서유형 Journal
- 본문언어 영어
초록/요약 도움말
Nanoelectromechanical (NEM) device has been regarded as one of the future switching devices due to its nearly infinite switching slope and zero off-state leakage current. However, it suffers from high pull-in voltage which causes high operation voltage. In this study, a sub-15 nm-thick Al-doped HfO2-based ferroelectric (FE) layer with a negative capacitance (NC) that can exceed the scalability limitation of the perovskite materials is used for voltage amplification to solve the issue. In detail, the model parameters are extracted from the separately fabricated devices; the capacitor of FE material and the NEM device. Using the parameters, the influences of NC on the NEM device are theoretically examined. In addition, systems with other dopants in HfO2-based FE material are compared. Finally, the design parameters are optimized for a low-power FE-NEM system.