검색 상세

Evaluation of ductile fracture in welded tubes with tensile, hardness, flaring tests

초록/요약 도움말

A continuum damage model (CDM) based on local hardness in welds is developed to predict fracture of welded tubes. A regression function of hardness distribution in the welds is proposed to establish hardness continuously through hardness mapping method in the finite element model. A constitutive model of the weld zone is determined by the rule of mixture, which estimates the flow stress of the welds from the hardness ratio. Coefficients of the flow stress model in the welds are validated by comparing finite element analysis (FEA) solution and experimental load - displacement data of tensile specimens. Softening after necking is considered by Lemaitre CDM. A damage parameter is newly given as a function of hardness ratio varying with angular position. Coefficients of damage parameter are obtained by the inverse FEA of tensile and flaring tests. The proposed method finely predicts the ductile fracture of welded tubes by considering local plastic properties and damage evolution.
