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Implementations of Deep Reinforcement Learning on Board Games


Recently the reinforcement learning has increased in popularity especially in the game field. However, most of the researches are on video games such as Atari game or Action Real-Time Strategy game. Board games are less featured research fields. This is due to the lack of useful board game environments for the reinforcement learning. This paper suggests an efficient way to construct environments of six online mathematical board games (Cube Net Game, Rectangle Game, Right Triangle Game, etc.) on MaTricKing[8]. Furthermore, DQN, Double DQN and Dueling DQN with several variations in the structure of networks are applied on the games of a board size 5 times 5. For each game, we figure out which structures of networks and hyper parameters are suitable for deep reinforcement learning. We also find a way to shorten learning time by training models only with last few moves. Finally, for six games, we implement deep reinforcement learning so that trained models perform as well as user-level of MaTricKing.
