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2015 개정 교육과정 고등학교 1학년 영어 교과서 쓰기 활동 내용의 적절성에 대한 분석

An analysis of writing activities’ adequacy in 1st grade high English textbooks of the 2015 Revised English Curriculum


The purpose of this study was to analyze the adequacy of the writing activities presented in 1st grade high school English textbooks which were developed according to the 2015 Revised Curriculum. For the research, four 1st grade high school English textbooks were selected. By examining all the activities that contain any type of writing, this study was to figure out how writing is addressed and which function it performs in the textbooks. The English textbooks were analyzed based on two criteria. First, the writing activities were analyzed whether the activity is related to other skills or it focuses on writing process of the learner. Second, the writing activities were analyzed in terms of the writing length the activity requires. By analyzing the textbooks based on these criteria, this study was to investigate whether the writing activities in the high school English textbooks are used to support the learning of English or are well organized to develop writing skill. The results of the research were as follows. First, the number of the writing activities that are related with other skills were far bigger than the number of the writing activities that focus on writing. In other-skills related activities, writing are used to support the learning of other skills and are in simple forms, and the reading skill is most frequently related with the writing than other skills. Second, most of the writing activities could be answered with words and one sentence. Meanwhile, the number of the writing activities that can be answered by writing more than a paragraph was very small. The results of this study suggest that writing activities in the high school English textbooks should focus more on developing writing skills that give learners experiences of writing process by providing the recursive process of brainstorming, drafting, revising, and editing. The results also suggest that the English textbooks should add activities that require paragraph-long writings to give learners opportunities to write. Thus, this study expects the writing activities in the textbooks to be adequate for improving communicative skills in English writing.
