Defence Line Europe: Architecture of Europe’s Contemporary Collective Security
- 주제(키워드) security , Europe , NATO , EU
- 발행기관 Sogang University, Graduate School of International Studies
- 지도교수 Prof. Dr. Lee Kyu Young
- 발행년도 2018
- 학위수여년월 2018. 2
- 학위명 석사
- 학과 및 전공 국제대학원 InternationalRelations
- 실제URI
- 본문언어 영어
- 저작권 서강대학교 논문은 저작권보호를 받습니다.
The dissolvent of Soviet Union, the rise of US as global power and the emergence of China as military and economic power, have shifted the European strategic environment while attracting academic and professional attention towards the security and defence area. This shifts, which have directly affect the constellations of power distribution on the planet, and with it the region, exercise pressure not only on the deepening integration between member states, but also on the relations with regions in Europe’s proximity. This myriad of circumstances has created suitable conditions for reopening the controversial debate about collective European defence initiatives that has accompanied European cooperation integration from the 1950’s. This paper inquires into the contemporary analysis of the European security regimes that currently represent the vital part of the regional integration. Moreover, it analyses the perception of security from the perspective of a myriad of social and psychological factors, as well as from the international relations theories’ point of view. The emphasis is put on the development and contemporary role of European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Association, and their evaluation as main European security building blocks. The paper focuses on various present day issues that are vital to European nations and represent a threat to their security, such as cybersecurity or telecommunications infrastructure. Through evaluation of the contemporary defence and security regimes in Europe and their deficiencies, the paper introduces an alternative concept for the organisation of collective defence among European states.