검색 상세

A Continuous Crisis in Syria: The Implications of Foreign Intervention in the Global Systemic Level Context


This paper will inquire into the historical analysis of the global systemic level context as an explanation to the dissimilar theories regarding the foreign interventionist’s political tactics in Syria. Moreover, it will analyze various issues surrounding the Syrian crisis in the perspective of the US, Russia, and respective allies in the Middle East region. Moreover, this paper will attempt to explain how western (foreign) military intervention was not enough for a regime change in Syria, but rather it requires some unifying international institution building, a two-state system, or more US-led West support to cater to Syria’s rebuilding agenda. US and Russia intertwined with political agendas and economic growth come hand in hand with Syria’s rebuilding; however, due to the surge in Russia’s output and U.S. relative decline in power and reluctance in the rise of Russian power, a constant ‘push-pull’ tactics have left Syria in a unsalvageable situation. Through measuring the three different level of analysis in Syria, exogenous forces have failed to bring peace in Syria, and has instead left a state in a conflict-ridden quagmire. In addition, due to multiple exogenous forces becoming a prominent presence in the Syria, the implications of US and Russian geopolitical and economic dominance in the region has a direct impact on Syria’s development, or the lack thereof.
