검색 상세

Gender Balance in Politics : : A Comparative Study on US Female Political Representation


This research seeks to investigate variables affecting low female political representation. Although playing a leading role in promoting democracy and respect for human rights in other countries and helping them elect their leaders in democratic ways, the US ranks low in female political participation than expected. Compared to other mature democracies such as New Zealand, the US falls quite behind them in female political representation. New Zealand is similar to the US in political history, sex ratio, and democracy level; however, it ranks higher in political empowerment of women than the US. Furthermore, the female representation ratio in the US varies in different state legislatures. Six of the fifty states— Vermont, Washington, Arizona, New Hampshire, New Jersey, and Maryland—show higher female political representation than the rest. Among the existing literature, the focus is generally on the culture-based explanation of low female representation. However, the findings in this research suggest that there is significant correlation between electoral systems and female political representation. Mixed-member proportional system elects more women and is more proportional than single-member district plurality system.
