검색 상세

고등학생의 진로결정 자율성과 교사의 지지가 진로준비행동에 미치는 영향 : 성별과 학급유형의 차이를 중심의로

The Effects of Career Decision-Making Autonomy and Teacher Support on Career Preparation Behaviors among High School Students : Focused on Gender and Class Types


본 연구에서는 진로결정 자율성과 교사지지 및 이들 간의 상호작용이 진로준비행동에 미치는 영향을 살펴보았고, 이들 간의 관계에서 성별과 학급유형에 따른 차이를 중심으로 살펴보았다. 본 연구는 인천 소재의 고등학생을 대상으로 연구를 실시하였으며, 회수된 설문지 중 1266명의 설문자료를 분석하였다. 또한 진로준비행동 척도의 하위요인인 취업준비활동은 대학입시와 관련하여 진학 위주의 진로준비행동이 이루어지고 있는 일반계고의 특성을 고려하여 제외하였다. 분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 성별에 따라 진로결정 자율성과 교사지지는 유의미한 차이를 보인 반면, 진로준비행동은 유의미한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 진로결정 자율성은 여학생이 남학생에 비해 높게 나타났고, 교사지지는 남학생이 여학생보다 높게 나타났다. 학급유형에 따라서는 진로결정 자율성, 교사지지, 진로준비행동 모두 유의미한 차이를 보였으며, 일반학급보다 진로집중학급에서 높게 나타났다. 둘째, 성별과 학급유형의 상호작용 효과에 따른 주요변인 간의 차이는 진로결정 자율성과 교사지지만 유의미한 차이를 보였다. 여학생은 학급유형에 따라 진로결정 자율성과 교사지지에서 차이가 없는 반면, 남학생은 일반학급에 비해 진로집중학급에서 진로결정 자율성과 교사지지가 상대적으로 더 높게 나타났다. 셋째, 진로결정 자율성과 교사지지, 진로준비행동 간에 통계적으로 유의미한 정적 상관과 유의한 영향력을 보였다. 이는 진로결정 자율성이 높을수록 교사지지를 높게 지각할 가능성을 있으며, 진로결정 자율성이 높을수록, 교사지지에 대한 지각이 높을수록 진로준비행동이 촉진되고 적극적으로 수행함을 의미한다. 넷째, 진로결정 자율성과 교사지지의 상호작용 효과는 진로집중학급에서만 부적으로 유의미하게 진로준비행동을 예측하는 것으로 나타났다. 즉, 진로집중학급의 경우, 교사지지가 낮은 경우 진로결정 자율성이 높으면 진로준비행동이 높게 나타났다. 반면, 교사지지가 높은 경우 진로결정 자율성의 크기에 따라 진로준비행동과의 관계는 유의하지 않았다. 진로결정 자율성과 진로준비행동과의 관계에서 교사지지의 조절 효과를 밝힘으로써 교사를 중심으로 진로발달을 촉진하는 지지적인 환경을 조성하는데 필요한 기초자료를 제공하는데 시사되는 바가 클 것이다. 또한 진로집중과정의 운영에 따른 교육적 효과를 확인하였다. 마지막으로, 진로결정 자율성, 교사지지와 진로준비행동과의 관계에서 성별의 조절효과는 일반학급의 진로결정 자율성과 성별의 상호작용항만 유의하였다. 또한 일반학급의 경우에만 진로결정 자율성과 교사지지간의 상호작용이 진로준비행동에 영향을 미치는데 있어 성별의 조절효과가 유의하였다. 일반학급 남학생은 교사지지가 낮은 경우 진로결정 자율성과 진로준비행동 간의 관계는 정적으로 유의하였고, 교사지지가 높은 경우 진로결정 자율성의 크기에 따라 진로준비행동 간의 관계는 유의하지 않았다. 이로써 교사지지의 조절효과를 확인하였다. 따라서 일반학급의 경우에는 성별을 고려하여 진로지도 및 상담기법이 적용되어야 하며, 남학생의 경우에는 교사지지를 높일 수 있는 상담 및 교육적 접근이 요구된다. 일반학급 여학생의 경우, 진로결정 자율성과 진로준비행동과의 관계에서 교사지지의 조절효과는 유의하지 않았다. 여학생의 경우, 교사지지의 수준과 무관하게 진로결정 자율성이 진로준비행동에 정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 여성은 사회적 기대, 경제력, 사회적 지위 등의 영향을 받기 보다는 진로에 대한 자신의 가치, 흥미, 적성, 자아실현을 위한 욕구 등 자율성에 따라 자신의 의지대로 진로를 결정하고 준비하는 경향이 짙다. 이러한 점을 고려하여 남녀 모두 진로결정 자율성을 촉진할 수 있는 상담기법을 개발하여 청소년기에 진로준비행동이 활발히 이루어지도록 조력해야 한다. 이로써 성별, 학급유형을 중심으로 진로준비행동에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 교사지지와 진로결정 자율성의 관계를 보다 구체적으로 검증하였다. 즉, 고등학생이 진로를 준비하는데 있어 진로결정 자율성과 교사지지가 영향을 미치는 주요한 변인이며, 이들의 상호작용 효과 또한 유의미한 결과를 보여 진로집중학급의 교육적 효과와 지지원으로서 교사의 중요성이 확인되었다. 이에 따라 동기수준을 높이기 위한 상담적 개입과 지지 자원을 강화할 수 있는 진로 관련 프로그램 및 교육과정 개발의 필요성이 요구된다. 이러한 연구결과를 토대로 진로상담 및 지도에 있어서의 적용 가능성과 본 연구의 시사점과 제한점을 논의하였다.



This thesis examines the effects of career decision-making autonomy and social support on career preparation behavior and the moderating effects of gender and class types in these relationships. The subjects of this research were high school students in Incheon, and 1,266 survey data were collected and analyzed. Also, in considering the characteristics of general high schools where the main focus of career preparation behavior is to enter universities through passing entry exams, the employment preparation behavior, a sub factor of the career preparation behavior scale has been excluded. The results of this study are as stated below. Firstly, while career decision-making autonomy and teacher support showed a significant difference based on gender, career preparation behavior did not show much of a difference at all. A higher rate of career decision-making autonomy showed amongst the female students compared to the male students, while teacher support was seen to have a stronger effect on male students than females. Based on class types, career decision-making autonomy, teacher support, career preparation behavior all showed a significant difference amongst the career focused course classes than in the general classes. Secondly, from the difference found amongst the major factors based on the moderating effects of gender and class types a significant difference was only shown in career decision-making autonomy and teacher support. While no difference was seen amongst female students in career decision-making autonomy and teacher support regardless of class types, career decision-making autonomy and teacher support was found to be higher in career focused course classes than general classes for male students. Thirdly, a statistically positive correlation as well as meaningful influence was shown between career decision-making autonomy, teacher support and career preparation behavior. This meant that the higher the career decision-making autonomy, there was the possibility that the teacher support was perceived to be higher, and if career decision-making autonomy as well as teacher support was perceived to be higher, career preparation behavior was also promoted and actively carried out. Fourthly, it was found that only in career focused course classes the interaction effects of career decision-making autonomy and teacher support was shown to have a negative influence on predicting career preparation behavior. Namely, in the case of career focused course classes, if the teacher support was low and the career decision-making autonomy high, the career preparation behavior was shown to be high. On the other hand, if the teacher support was high, no matter what the size of career decision-making autonomy was, it did not make much of a difference to the relationship with career preparation behavior. In proving the moderating effects of teacher support in the relationship between career decision-making autonomy and career preparation behavior, this research is meaningful in the sense that it identified and provided the basis for the creation of a supportive environment for promoting career development focused around teachers. It is also meaningful in the sense that it was able to identify the educational effects of the career focused course in the process. Lastly, in the relationship between career decision-making autonomy, teacher support and career preparation behavior, the moderating effects of gender was only verified in the interaction effects of career decision-making autonomy and gender in general classes. Also, only in the case of general classes, the interaction effects of career decision-making autonomy, teacher support and gender in regards to career preparation behavior acted as a buffer in revealing the moderating effects. In the case teacher support was low for male students in general classes, the relationship between career decision-making autonomy and career preparation behavior was revealed to be positively significant, while if the teacher support was high, the relationship between career preparation behavior according to the size of career decision-making autonomy did not show much significance. Consequently, through such outcomes the moderating effects of teacher support was verified. As a result, in general classes, it was found that career guidance and counselling techniques should be applied in consideration of gender, where for male students, the need for a counselling and educational approach that can increase teacher support is required. In the case of female students in general classes, the moderating effects of teacher support in the relationship between career decision-making autonomy and career preparation behavior was shown to have not so much of a significance. In case of female students, regardless of the level of teacher support, it was found that career decision-making autonomy had a positive influence on career preparation behavior. Females were found not to be greatly influenced by social expectations, financial ability, social status, etc., but rather had a strong tendency to prepare and decide their careers based on their will freely according to their personal values, interests, qualities, desire to achieve self-realization and so forth. Based on such considerations, we need to assist both male and female students accordingly in developing counselling techniques to boost career decision-making autonomy in being able to actively carry out career preparation behaviors during the teenage years. Hereby, focusing on gender and class types this research was able to specifically verify the relationship between teacher support and career decision-making autonomy that has positive effects on career preparation behavior. In other words, career decision-making autonomy and teacher support were not only found to be major factors effecting the career preparation of high school students, but as the moderating effects also showed significant outcomes, the importance of teachers as the supporters and the educational influences of career focused course classes also confirmed their importance. Accordingly, the need for the development of career related programs and educational courses that can enhance the motivation levels of counselling interference and support resources are being required. The possibilities of application in career consultation and guidance based on the results of this research along with the implications and limitations of this research have also been discussed.
