검색 상세

Identity Crisis in Beur Generation : Social Construction of Identity in Post Colonial Context

뷰어세대의 정체성 위기: 후기식민주의 사회적 정체성 형성


Islamophobia has recently been overly escalated in Europe. Predominantly, the existing academic argument on Muslim minority in Europe often linked with radical Islamism and terrorism. In particular, second generation Muslim, born and raised in European soil, has been noted when it comes to their integration into Europe. However, it is problematic that although each Muslim community has different reason for migration and cultural background in accordance with different European nations, they are generalized as only religious group, categorized as a different civilization contrast against Europe. Indeed, it is also true that Islam is more and more globalized by networking method like the Internet, but generalized religious approach in macro level might simplify the actual problem Muslim youths are faced with. French Muslims, specifically, have a significant implication in that they had been under French colonial rule, and consisted of diverse ethnic groups from different national background. Hence, the purpose of this thesis is to analyze how the second generation French Muslim, so called, beur generation’s identity has been constructed through the interaction of French society and Muslim minority, and appreciate complexity and contradiction within their identity. By examining the ambivalence of beur identity, through the implication from hybridity in post-colonial discourse, how the identity crisis, rather than stable dual identity is indicated in beur is the major essentials of this thesis.
