검색 상세

Evaluating the UN-Philippines Coordination in Gender Mainstreaming Implementation : Focusing on the Recruitment Process of Peacekeepers


Gender mainstreaming policy was launched in order to encourage states to get more women involved, particularly in peacekeeping operations. However, despite their increased presence, their number is still insignificant. This study aims to identify what other barriers restrain more women from being involved and how has this barrier affected their greater participation. The hypothesis of this thesis is that there has been lack of coordination between the UN and the Troop-Contributing Countries in implementing the aforementioned policy. To test the hypothesis, a case study on the coordination of the UN and Philippines was conducted. The policies, resolutions, and guidelines related to Gender Mainstreaming as well as the implementation at the local level, particularly on the recruitment process of peacekeepers were reviewed. Evidences gathered for the study strongly suggest that there was indeed lack of coordination between the UN and the Philippines. Apart from the fact that the resolutions, directive and guidelines are not compelling enough, there is also no communication between the UN and the Philippines during the recruitment of peacekeepers, which is crucial to the implementation of Gender Mainstreaming. In order to increase the number of women in the peacekeeping force, it is recommended that there should be an institutionalization of recruitment and participation of women.
