검색 상세

전문대학의 신입생 중도탈락 현황 및 원인 분석에 관한 연구

A Study on Situations and Causes of University College Freshmen's Withdrawal(Dropout)


최근 교육부와 한국교육개발원에서 발표한 2012년 교육통계연보에 따르면, 중등교육기관의 평균 중도탈락률은 1.4%인데 반해, 고등교육기관의 평균 중도탈락률은 5.5%로 나타났다. 이는 전체 재학생수를 전체 학교 수로 나누었을 때 나오는 평균 재학생수를 감안했을 때, 중학교는 28개교, 고등학교는 46개교, 전문대학은 16개교, 일반대학은 10개교가 중도탈락자로 인해 2012년에 문을 닫았다는 것을 의미한다. 이에 따라, 국가적 관심과 정책 및 연구가 상대적으로 부족한 전문대학을 대상으로 하며, 선행연구 분석을 통해 중도탈락을 직접적으로 야기하는 변인을 도출 및 선정하여 중도탈락 정도를 알아보고자 한다. 특히 기존 연구가 재학생을 중심으로 중도탈락을 살펴보았던 반면, 본 연구에서는 중도탈락의 70.8%가 1학년 1학기에 이뤄지고 있음을 감안하여, 신입생을 중심으로 입학단계에서부터 중도탈락을 개선할 수 있는 변인들 즉, 성별, 대학소재지, 출신고교, 고교졸업시기, 입학전형, 합격시기에 따른 중도탈락 여부를 대학의 학문적 경험(대학성적, 장학금수혜유무)과 결부하여 중도탈락의 직·간접적인 영향을 살펴보고자 하며, 이때 선행연구가 희박한 ‘비교과입학전형’을 포함하여 입학전형을 보다 세분화하여 분석하고자 한다. 이러한 연구목적을 달성하기 위하여 다음과 같은 연구문제를 설정하였다. 첫째, 본 연구모형은 개인변인, 입학전형, 입학성적, 합격시기, 대학 학문적 경험 및 중도탈락별 특성을 명료화하고 전문대학 신입생의 중도탈락을 직·간접적으로 설명하는 모형으로서 적합한가? 둘째, 개인변인, 입학전형, 입학성적, 합격시기가 중도탈락여부에 직접적인 영향을 미치는가? 셋째, 개인변인, 입학전형, 입학성적, 합격시기가 대학경험에 직접적인 영향을 미치는가? 넷째, 대학 학문적 경험이 중도탈락여부에 직접적인 영향을 미치는가? 다섯째, 개인변인, 입학전형, 입학성적, 합격시기가 중도탈락여부에 영향을 미치는데 있어 대학 학문적 경험이 매개효과를 가질 것인가? 이를 위해, ‘13년 비교과 입학전형 활성화 사업’에 선정된 전문대학 10개교를 대상으로 2014학년도의 모든 전형으로 신입학한 1학년 총 23,922명을 전수 조사하였다. 이때의 조사는 학생으로부터의 설문이 아닌, 대학의 입학 및 재학기록 현황 등의 실태자료를 중심으로 조사하고 통계분석 하였으며, 이 중 본 연구항목의 조사가 불가능한 3개교 7,622명을 제외한 총 7개교 16,300명을 대상으로 최종 분석하였다. 분석방법은 빈도분석, 교차분석, 독립 이표본 차이검정 및 구조방정식모형 분석을 통해 다음과 같은 연구결과를 도출하였다. 그 결과, 첫째, 본 연구의 모형에 대한 관계를 규명하기 전, 연구모형의 적합도 여부를 분석한 결과, , 절대적합지수, 증분적합지수, 간명적합지수에서 매우 높은 적합도를 나타냈다. 둘째, 외생변인(개인변인, 입학전형, 입학성적, 합격시기)에 따른 중도탈락의 차이검증 결과, 모든 변인에서 유의한 차이를 보였다. 특히, 개인변인의 경우 남자가, 수도권일수록, 검정고시 및 기타학력시설일수록, 대입학령기일수록 중도탈락률이 높게 나타났다. 입학전형의 경우, 특별전형(정원내)일수록 중도탈락률이 높게 나타난 반면, 정원외전형 및 비교과입학전형일수록 중도탈락률이 낮게 나타났다. 이는 학생의 특수한 자격 혹은 소질 및 적성을 위주로 한 입학전형일수록 중도탈락 정도가 낮으며, ‘14학년도에 처음으로 도입된 교과성적을 반영하는 대신 학생의 소질, 적성, 취업가능성을 중심으로 평가하는 ’비교과입학전형‘이 기존의 전형보다 중도탈락을 완화하는데 기인한 측면이 있다고 볼 수 있다. 입학성적의 경우, 고1, 고2, 고3 및 전체평균 모두 중도탈락자의 성적이 재학생에 비해 낮았는데, 다만, 고3 > 고2 > 고1학년 순으로 중도탈락자와 재학생간의 학업성취수준의 차이는 극명해졌다. 즉 고학년 성적이 우수할수록 중도탈락의 가능성은 더욱 낮아질 수 있다고 볼 수 있다. 특히, 교과성적을 반영하지 않고 선발한 ’비교과입학전형‘의 경우, 입학성적에 따라 중도탈락 정도에 유의한 영향이 없었는데, 이는 입학성적 단 1점에 의한 합격 당락보다는 학생의 소질, 적성, 취업가능성 등을 중점적으로 선발하면, 선행연구에서 밝힌 입학성적, 지적능력 등의 모자름 및 부족으로 인한 중도탈락정도를 개선할 수 있음을 시사한다. 합격시기의 경우, 충원합격자일수록 중도탈락이 높았다. 때문에 대학은 충원 시, 보다 적합한 학생을 선발할 수 있는 기준 등을 마련하거나, 입학 후 이들에 대한 특별한 관심 및 학사지도 및 관리가 필요함을 시사한다. 셋째, 외생변인(개인변인, 입학전향, 입학성적, 합격시기)에 따른 대학경험의 차이검증 결과, 여학생이, 수도권일수록, 특수목적고일수록, 대입 비학령기(만학도)일수록 대학경험, 즉 대학적응이 높았다. 이는 ‘연구문제2’와 대부분 역학관계를 보여, 대학적응 및 중도탈락에 대한 일관된 방향을 설명해 준다고 볼 수 있다. 넷째, 대학경험(대학성적, 장학금수혜유무)에 따른 중도탈락의 차이검증 결과, 대학성적은 낮을수록, 장학금미수혜일수록 중도탈락률이 높게 나타났다. 즉, 대학성적이 좋을수록 장학금수혜를 받으며, 대학적응이 높다는 것으로 예측할 수 있다. 따라서, 대학은 중도탈락 예방을 위해 대학성적이 좋은 학생들에게 장학금 수혜를 늘리는 대신, 대학성적이 낮은 학생들의 동기부여 측면 혹은 개인여건 등으로 인한 학업매진이 곤란한 경우의 환경개선 측면을 더욱 고려한 장학금 지원이 필요함을 시사한다. 다섯째, 외생변인(개인변인, 입학전형, 입학성적, 합격시기)이 중도탈락여부에 영향을 미칠 때 대학경험(매개변인)이 매개효과를 갖는지에 대한 구조방정식(structural equation model) 분석결과, “입학성적>성별>출신고교>대학소재지>합격시기>고교졸업시기>입학전형→대학경험→중도탈락” 순으로 대학경험의 매개효과가 더 크게 나타났으며, 대학경험은 “외생변인→대학경험→중도탈락”으로 가는 모든 변인에서 매개효과가 유의하였다. 이는 개인변인, 입학전형, 입학성적, 합격시기의 변인도 중요하지만, 더 중요한 것은 학생이 속한 대학에서의 경험에 의해, 학생의 대학적응 혹은 중도탈락 정도가 변화될 수 있다는 것으로 본 연구의 연구결과가 나타났다. 본 연구는 전문대학의 중도탈락을 개인변인(성별, 대학소재지, 출신고교, 고교졸업시기), 입학전형, 입학성적, 합격시기 및 대학의 학문적 경험(대학성적, 장학금수혜유무)과 결부하여 직·간접적인 중도탈락 정도를 살펴보았고, 특히 선행연구가 희박한 ‘비교과입학전형’을 포함하여 입학전형 유형을 보다 세분화하고, 기존의 재학생이 아닌 신입생 중심으로 입학단계부터 중도탈락을 예방할 수 있는 변인들을 살펴봄으로서 전문대학의 입학전형계획 수립 시 기초적인 자료를 제공하는 데 그 목적이 있다.



According to the 2012 Statistical Yearbook of Education recently released by the Ministry of Education and the Korea Educational Development Institute (KEDI), average withdrawal rate of higher educational institutions is 5.5%, while that of secondary educational institutions is 1.4%. This means that 28 middle schools, 46 high schools, 16 university colleges, and 10 universities closed due to withdrawal students in 2012, given that average number of enrolled students is a product of subtracting the number of entire enrolled students by the number of schools. Students' withdrawal is serious in scale, but personally withdrawal students themselves lose opportunities to pioneer their career path, leading to the decline in academic ability and limitation of employment, which in turn may cause family trouble and make it hard to enjoy a stable life basically. For educational institutions, withdrawals mean a drop of the number of enrolled students. This may lead to a serious financial problem of educational institutions, deteriorating the quality of education and posing a threat to their operations. Moreover, withdrawals of students may become a cause of social issues resulting in socially undesirable behaviors, of which edification costs may be huge and possibly weaken the country's competitiveness. Therefore, this study is to examine withdrawal degree by generating and selecting variables directly causing withdrawals of students by means of a literature review with a focus on university colleges suffering from relatively less national attention and lack of government support and research. In particular, previous studies looked to withdrawals of enrolled students at large, but this study examines direct and indirect effects of withdrawal of freshmen by connecting variables that can decrease withdrawal rate from admission up to early in the first semester, that is, gender, location of college, graduated high school, time of high school graduation, admission system, and withdrawal depending on time of admission to academic experience at college (grade and scholarship), considering that 70.8% of withdrawals happen the first term of the first year. In this study, admission system were further segmentalized to include ‘extracurricular activities-based admission system’, which was rare in previous studies. To this end, following research questions were raised: First, is this research model appropriate to clarify characteristics by variable and explain withdrawals of university college freshmen directly and indirectly? Second, do individual variables, admission system, entrance score, and time of admission have a direct effect on withdrawal? Third, do individual variables, admission system, entrance score, and time of admission have a direct effect on college experience? Fourth, does academic experience at college have a direct effect on withdrawal? Fifth, does academic experience at college have a mediating effect when individual variables, admission system, entrance score, and time of admission have a direct effect on withdrawal? To test for these research questions, a complete survey was carried out for 23,922 freshmen of 10 university colleges selected for the ‘2013 extracurricular activities-based admission system promotion project’. The students were admitted through admission system process for 2014. Final analysis was conducted for 16,300 students from seven university colleges except for 7,622 students from three university colleges, because part of research items of this study could not be performed for them. Frequency analysis, cross validation, difference verification and structural equation model were conducted for data analysis, with the following results: First, the research model was tested for suitability before identifying a relationship with this research model, and it was found that suitability level was very high in , absolute fit index, incremental fit index, and parsimonious fit index. Second, in regards to the difference of withdrawal depending on individual variables, admission system, entrance score, and time of admission, it turned out that there was a significant difference in all variables. When it came to individual variables, in particular, withdrawal rates were high in male students, those from Seoul and the Capital area, those admitted via high school graduation exam or equivalent, and those at college entrance ages. As far as admission system was concerned, withdrawal rate was high among those for special screening (within the quota), but low among those for screening beyond the quota and for extracurricular activities-based admission system. This indicates that withdrawal rate was lower in admission system focusing on special qualifications or talents and aptitude of students; instead of considering school grades, extracurricular activities-based admission system weighing talents, aptitude and employment potential of students, which was first adopted in the 2014 school year, may have contributed to the decline of withdrawal rates, compared to existing admission systems. With respect to entrance score, withdrawal students' grades in 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year and overall average were lower than their enrolled peers, and the difference of academic achievement level between withdrawal students and enrolled students was clear in 3rd year, 2nd year, and 1st year, in order. In other words, those who had higher grades during the 2nd and 3rd years were less likely to withdraw from college. Among others, in the case of extracurricular activities-based admission system, which does not take into account school records, there was no significant effect of entrance score on withdrawal rate. This suggests that rather than determining a student's admission by entrance score, focusing on his or her talents, aptitude, and employment potential is likely to reduce withdrawals caused by entrance score and deficiency and lack of intellectual ability, as reported by previous studies. In relation to time of admission, withdrawal rate was high among those of filling admission. Therefore, university colleges need to put in place better selection criteria or pay special attention to and guide and manage freshmen admitted through a filling admission system upon admitted. Third, in an analysis of a difference in college experience depending on individual variables, admission system, entrance score, and time of admission, it was found that college experience, that is, college adaptation, was high among female students, those from Seoul and the Capital area, special purpose high school graduates, and those at non college admission ages (mature students). In a relation of dynamics mostly with research question 2 above, this result is considered to explain a consistent direction for college adaptation and withdrawal. Fourth, in connection with a difference in withdrawal depending on college experience, withdrawal rates appeared high among those with low academic records at college and those who did not received scholarships. It was found that those with high academic records at college were more likely to receive a scholarship and to adapt to college life better. Consequently, this shows that to prevent withdrawals, colleges should grant more scholarships to students with low academic, records rather than to those with high academic records, in an attempt to motivate students with low records or improve environment for those students who find it difficult to concentrate on study due to personal situations. Fifth, in regards to the structural equation model to examine whether academic experience at college has a mediating effect when individual variables, admission system, entrance score, and time of admission have an effect on withdrawal, the mediating effect of college experience was bigger on “entrance score>gender>graduated high school>location of college>time of admission>time of high school graduation>admission system→college experience→withdrawal” in order. Furthermore, college experience appeared to have a mediating effect on all the variables of “exogeneous variable →college experience→withdrawal” process. This suggests that despite the importance of variables such as individual variables, admission system, entrance score, and time of admission, college experience more importantly may change college adaptation or withdrawal of a student. This study examined the degree of direct and indirect withdrawals from university colleges in connection with individual variables (gender, location of college, and graduated high school, and time of high school graduation), admission system, entrance score, time of admission and academic experience at college (academic records at college and receipt of scholarships). With a focus on freshmen, not on enrolled students, in particular, admission system procedures were further segmentalized in this study to include ‘extracurricular activities-based admission system,’ which was rarely addressed in previous studies. This study aimed at providing basic data for university colleges to develop admission system plan and to practice educational management of freshmen by investigating variables that can prevent withdrawals of freshmen from the stage of admission.
