검색 상세

Written Grammar Correction, Accuracy and Explicit/Implicit Knowledge : A Semi-longitudinal Case Study of Direct Unfocused Corrective Feedback in L2 Writing

L2 글쓰기 문법 수정, 정확성과 명시적•암묵적 지식: L2 글쓰기에 제공되는 명시적 비집중 수정 피드백에 대한 반종족 사례 연구


본 연구는 학습자의 비집중 수정 피드백(unfocused corrective feedback)에 대한 반응과 영어 작성 시 비집중 피드백이 초급 영어 학습자의 문법적 정확성에 끼치는 영향에 관한 사례 연구이다. 본 연구를 위해, 두 명의 참가자들은 9주동안 매주 일기를 작성하는 과제를 수행하였으며 각 일기에 대한 명시적 수정 피드백(direct corrective feedback)을 받았다. 이 과정에서 참가자들은 본 연구에 대한 사전 인지 없이 5가지 문법형태에 대한 피드백이 제공되었으며, 이에 대한 참가자들의 반응은 모두 기록되었다. 이 과정에서 수정 피드백이 참가자들의 문법적 정확성 및 명시적 지식과 암묵적 지식에 미치는 영향이 분석되었으며, 참가자들의 작문의 특징, 길이, 복잡성, 전체적인 질, 회피행동과 같은 부차적인 효과(secondary effect)에 대한 연구도 실행하였다. 이 분석에서 참가자들은 문법적 정확성과 명시적•암묵적 지식은 근소한 향상을 보였지만, 각각의 문법형태에 대해서 정확성 척도와 지식 척도의 일관성은 결여된 결과를 보였다. 이 외의 부차적인 효과에 대해서는 유의성이 없거나, 수정 피드백 이외의 요인에 기인한 것으로 확인되었다. 종합하면, 특정 반복적 문법형식에 대한 피드백은 학습자들의 부수적 학습으로 즉시 귀결되지 않으며, 학습자들의 개입이 없으면 문법적 피드백이 유효하지 않다는 것이 확인되었다. 이 결과는 제 2 언어 쓰기 문법 수정에 관한 “Truscott 토론”의 맥락 안에서 논의된 것이며, 추후 연구 및 제 2 언어 쓰기 지도에 있어서 본 연구결과가 적용 및 응용될 수 있는 방법에 대해서도 논의를 제공하였다.



This paper describes a case study that examined learner response to unfocused written corrective feedback and its effects on grammatical accuracy in subsequent writing for high-beginner learners of L2 English. The study was motivated by the ongoing debate in the literature over the effectiveness and potential harm of grammar correction in L2 writing and by the findings of recent studies that have attempted to address the methodological and analytical concerns of early research on the topic. The studies by R. Ellis (2009a), Van Beuningen et al. (2012) and Shintani and R. Ellis (2013) provided the foundation for the focus and methodology of the study, in particular the decision to measure explicit and implicit knowledge in addition to grammatical accuracy. Two participants wrote weekly journal assignments during a 9-week period and received written direct corrective feedback on each journal. They were also given an opportunity each week to ask for clarification about the feedback they received, and afterward were asked to submit a revised version of their journal. Feedback was given on all aspects of writing, but five grammatical features were targeted without the knowledge of the participants and tracked throughout the study. The participants received feedback for all errors in the use of these features, but otherwise the feedback was unfocused. The impact of this corrective feedback on grammatical accuracy and explicit and implicit knowledge of these grammatical features was analyzed. The secondary effects of this feedback on other features of the participants’ writing, including overall length, sentence length, lexical complexity, structural complexity, holistic quality and both specific and general avoidance behaviour, were also considered. Qualitative data from interviews and recordings of the feedback sessions were collected to assess the participants’ focus while writing and receiving feedback and the degree of their motivation in attending to grammar corrections in particular. The results showed small improvements for accuracy and explicit/implicit knowledge but a lack of consistency across accuracy measures and explicit/implicit knowledge measures for individual features, suggesting that corrective feedback was ineffective. Secondary effects were found to be either not significant or attributable to factors other than corrective feedback. Qualitative data revealed that both participants primarily attended to the content and structure of their writing and to feedback addressing these aspects, to the near exclusion of grammatical accuracy in their writing and feedback on grammatical errors. The results suggest that incidental learning of redundant grammatical features does not take place and that grammatical feedback supplied without learner engagement is not effective. The findings are discussed in the context of the “Truscott debate” over grammar correction in L2 writing, and applications of these findings for both future research and L2 writing instructors are provided.
