검색 상세

Out-of-equilibrium Physics from Holography

초록/요약 도움말

In this thesis we discuss the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of strongly coupled systems from holography, including both near-equilibrium and far-from-equilibrium physics. In particular, we employ AdS/CFT technique to compute transport coefficients of holographic charged fluid with anomalous currents and study the non-equilibrium condensation process of a holographic superconductor model with anisotropy. In Chapter 1, we begin this thesis by reviewing key ideas of AdS/CFT correspondence and the fundamentals of holographic renormalization which is a crucial step to extract field theory information from a gravity calculation. We also present a introduction to various applications of AdS/CFT duality to strongly coupled systems. In Chapter 2, we study Fluid/Gravity correspondence as long wave limit of AdS/CFT correspondence. Transport coefficients are obtained through constructing the stress energy tensor from a derivative expansion solution of Einstein equations at AdS boundary. We generalize this approach to finite energy scale and study strongly coupled fluid with anomalies. In Chapter 3, we study spontaneous breaking of an abelian symmetry in the dynamical setting, in particular focusing on a model with anisotropy in boundary directions. We construct a time-dependent black hole solution, describing a unstable black hole without scalar hair evolving to a stable one with non-trivial scalar field configuration. The condensate operator and anisotropic pressure of boundary field theory are extracted from gravity computation. They experience an exponential growth and subsequent saturation. The relaxation time scales show a good quantitative match with dominant quasinormal modes. The conclusion and outlook constitute the final chapter.
