검색 상세

Collapse behaviors of stearic scid monolayers at the air-water interface


Fatty acid Langmuir monolayers on pure water have been well studied and their phase behaviours using the pressure - area isotherms have been investigated for years. Yet pictures for fatty acid salts are still far from complete, in this study structure of stearic acid monolayer and collapse behaviour on different aqueous sub-phases have been studied in presence of monovalent ion i.e. Na+ and divalent cations like Ca2+, Ni2+ and Fe2+ at the air-water interface. A collapse mechanism shift from "constant area collapse" to "constant pressure collapse" has been observed, depending on the ion concentration. Increased subphase ionic concentration seems to tune molecular interaction and as a result it causes the transition from "constant area collapse" to "constant pressure collapse" at a certain ion concentration.
