A Case Study on Contemporary Cyber War and its Countermeasures (Focused on the Russia-Georgia Cyber War in 2008)
- 발행기관 서강대학교 국제대학원
- 지도교수 이규영
- 발행년도 2011
- 학위수여년월 2011. 2
- 학위명 석사
- 학과 및 전공 국제대학원 InternationalRelations
- 실제URI http://www.dcollection.net/handler/sogang/000000046678
- 저작권 서강대학교의 논문은 저작권 보호를 받습니다.
Cyber war raises issues of growing national interest and concern. Cyber war can be used to describe various aspects of defending and attacking information and computer networks in cyber space, as well as denying an adversary’s ability to do the same. This study figure out contemporary cyber war and its countermeasures through the Russia-Georgia cyber war case study which was known as the first cyber war among states based on Cyber Early Warning Model which was made by Jeffrey Carr. This framework allows defenders to predict rather than react to the occurrence of politically motivated attacks. Also, This model gives an opportunity to verify a possibility that latent or potential tensions can be expanded a land-sea-air invasion which is coordinated with an orchestrated cyber offensive through the cyber space. This study suggests some countermeasures, to sum it up, 1) in the international approaches, government should cooperate and work together with ITU under the Convention on the Cybercrime 2) in the national approaches, first of all, it is important for the government to establish cyber war doctrine with felicity and well-timed. Rebuilding partnership with private sector is also crucial. Additionally, combining both cyber warrior education and cyber response exercise can be important role in cyber war countermeasures.