- 발행기관 서강대학교 일반대학원
- 지도교수 이요안
- 발행년도 2010
- 학위수여년월 2010. 8
- 학위명 박사
- 학과 및 전공 일반대학원 영어영문학과
- 실제URI
- 본문언어 영어
This study compares expressions of gratitude used by Korean learners of English as a second language with those by native speakers of Korean and American English within two sources: interlanguage pragmatics research and contrastive pragmatics, in order to investigate if there is any evidence of pragmatic transfer in the learners’ thanking behaviors in the target language production. This research was conducted within the analytical framework of the Cross-Cultural Speech Act Realization Project (CCSARP; Blum-Kulka et al., 1989), and thanking behaviors of the three groups were observed from three different angles: (1) sociocultural, (2) pragmalinguistic, and (3) sociopragmatic perspectives. This three-dimensional approach to gratitude is based on the general model of gratitude schema (Eisenstein & Bodman, 1986). Each dimension plays a significant role in determining modes of gratitude speech act realization. The data were collected by means of a questionnaire with a discourse completion test and metapragmatic assessment tests combined, and ten contextual situations were given to respondents. Two types of questionnaires examine how learners assess strategies of communicative action and their linguistic realizations, and how learners evaluate the values and weights of the social variables that influence strategic and linguistic choices, such as participants’ relative status, social distance, and the degree of indebtedness involved in a linguistic act. The relative frequency of subjects’ strategy choices in terms of semantic formulae and the mean of situation assessments determine interlanguage pragmatics phenomena in gratitude speech act. The findings show that there occurred pragmatic transfer in the order of semantic formulae used in expressing gratitude, in the frequency of use of some strategy types or upgraders according to the situations, and in the situation assessment related to the perceptions of three social parameters. Among them, four instances of pragmatic transfer which might cause miscommunication between native speakers of American English and non-native Korean learners of English were identified: (1) the excessive use of ‘To be good continuously’ substrategy among expressions of Reciprocity in thanking behaviors as a result of L1 transfer, (2) the reduced use of ‘Complimenting usefulness and worth of objects’ substrategy as a result of L2 transfer, (3) the excessive use of ‘Interjection to express surprise/enthusiasm’ in Upgrades strategy as a result of L2 transfer, and (4) the similar perception of Social distance between seniors and juniors in college as a result of L1 transfer.