검색 상세

만성질환이 중·고령자의 은퇴에 미치는 영향

The Chronic diseases Effect on Retirement of Middle and old aged


This study analyzes the effect of chronic diseases to the retirement of middle and old aged groups by using KLoSA(Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing) data. To verify their effect, hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, cardiovascular diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, and depression are used as independent variables to estimate the probit model. These 6 diseases, which are well-known health indicators, have a significant effect on the retirement of people who are 45 year-old and older than 45. Moreover, a man has 1.9% more probabilities to retire whenever he has one more additional disease. And it was 11.5% for woman. This result can be an evidence for showing the strong relationship between the labor participation of middle and old aged groups. Since the old aged groups will be important labor force in the aged society, it is necessary for the Korean governments to develop a health policy to make old people keep working.
