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2차저작물 작성의 활성화를 위한 저작권법 개정에 관한 연구 : 공정이용과 저작인격권을 중심으로

A Study on Revision for the Korean Copyright Law and Promotion of Derivative Works : Focusing on fair use doctrine and moral right


저작권법은 저작자의 권리와 이에 인접하는 권리를 보호하고 저작물의 공정한 이용을 도모함으로써 문화 및 관련 산업의 향상발전에 이바지함을 목적으로 하고 있다. 따라서 저작자의 권리보호와 저작물의 공정한 이용의 촉진은 서로 균형을 유지할 때 저작권법이 추구하는 궁극적인 목적에 부합할 수 있다. 2차적저작물의 작성은 원저작자의 권리보호와 저작물의 공정한 이용이라는 문제를 동시에 가지고 있다. 2차적저작물작성권의 보호는 원저작자에게 창작에 대한 인센티브를 보장한다는 점에서 의미가 있다. 최근 디지털 기술과 인터넷 기술의 발달에 따라 다양한 저작물의 이용수단과 접근매체가 등장하여 2차적저작물 작성이 활성화 될 수 있는 기술적 환경이 조성되었다. 그러나 현행 저작권법은 저작자의 권리를 중심으로 운영되고 있어 저작물의 공정한 이용으로서의 2차적저작물의 작성이라는 문제는 상대적으로 소홀히 취급되고 있다. 따라서 공정한 이용의 도모라는 차원에서 2차적저작물의 작성과 관련된 논의의 필요성은 높다고 할 수 있다. 즉, 2차적저작물 작성자에게 원저작물을 적극적으로 활용할 수 있는 기회를 제공하여 원저작물에 대한 자유로운 해석과 비평 또는 비판을 하게 함으로써 표현의 자유를 신장하는 방향으로 저작권법을 운영하여야 한다. 이에 따라 본 연구에서는 2차적저작물 작성의 활성화를 목적으로 2차적저작물과 관련된 현행 저작권법의 규정들의 문제점을 검토하고 이에 대한 해석론과 입법론을 제시한다.



Recently, Intellectual Property Act extends the right scope and strengthens right protection by focusing on right of author. This trend to strengthen the protection of author focused Intellectual Property Right is Increasing the interests in relation with trade matter of major leading countries such as United States and EU. Also, it is being intensified according to rapidly developing digital environment, appearing various access to intellectual works and occurring convergence among media as well. Otherwise, the aspect of using intellectual works is carelessly treated. But because the purpose of intellectual property right system is not solely to protect author but to protect author's right and promote fair use, the aim to protection of intellectual property right system is required to balance the both of protection for author and user. Derivative works is core problem in fair use of intellectual property right. The reasons to accept Derivative works could be found in aspect of protection of author's intellectual property, ultimate purpose of intellectual property right to create various and sufficient culture by fair use of intellectual works, and constitutional philosophy for protection of freedom of expression to sound review and criticism against existing intellectual works as well. However, it is problem that current intellectual property act makes hard to be valid of derivative works such as parody. This study indicates and reviews these problems about derivative works to activate them and suggests alternatives for improving current intellectual property act. First, the development process has been reviewed to understand copyright system in this dissertation. This review provided with historical means through the study on historical characteristics of copyright system. The standard for validation and judgment of Derivative Works has been checked and it has been found the problems from analysis on the related cases in this study. This study has divided Derivative Works to translation works, musical arrangement works, transformation works and motion picture version works and has reviewed each of them. Second, this dissertation has analyzed the provisions of Berne Convention and US VARA to review the relationship between Derivative Works and Moral Right, and drew implications from them. In addition, it reviewed Fair Use Dichotomy to find the relationship between Derivative Works and Fair Use. Also, it has focused on the section 107 of U.S. Copyright Act to subdivide the standard for judgment of Fair Use and arranged the raised issues in related cases. Especially, it has tried to review and classify the cases of transformative use to compare transformative use of Fair Use to variation of Derivative Works. Finally, it has analyzed the problems occurred from the relationship between Derivative Works and Moral Right, and has suggested a legislative alternative resolution. In addition, it has reviewed about parody whether parody constitutes to infringement of copyright or defamation or not in the legal aspects.
