A Study on American Exceptionalism in the US Foreign Policy : Focusing on the Impact of American Exceptionalism on George W. Bush Administration
- 발행기관 서강대학교 국제대학원
- 지도교수 김재천
- 발행년도 2009
- 학위수여년월 2009. 2
- 학위명 석사
- 실제URI http://www.dcollection.net/handler/sogang/000000045199
- 본문언어 영어
Abstract American exceptionalism is basically the conception held by Americans that their country is unique and different from the foundation and is morally qualified for having a special role to play in the world. The origins of this conception are traced back to the earlier period of the 17th century when Puritan settlers in America used the metaphor of being ‘a city upon a hill’ to emphasize their position to be a moral example in the world. On the assumption of American exceptionalism, US has been an virtuous exemplar in the rest of the world and with the messianistic perspective, the development of America’s political strength resulted in a more active and specific role to play in the historical and contemporary world politics, which was sustained with a rhetoric emphasising the crusader motif in American exceptionalism. The paper defines and discusses the American exceptionalism in three major principles: ‘moral superiority of America’ with good and evil dichotomy, ‘universalization of American value’ with the idea of being optimistic and future-oriented, and ‘US global leadership’ with exemplar and crusader model. It explains how these principles have derived by the historical context and describes how these major principles had influenced the conduct of US foreign policy. Finally it investigates how American exceptionalism has influenced the Bush administration’s foreing policy under neo-conservativists. The perception of American exceptionalism is deeply rooted in American’s mind and the discourse and the rhetoric of American exceptionalist identy made by the policy makers and scholars have always existed in the history of American foreign policy.
I. Introduction = 1
II. The Nature of American Exceptionalism = 4
1. What is meant by American Exceptionalism? = 4
2. Development of American Exceptionalism in Historical Context = 8
1) Puritan Roots and City Upon A Hill = 8
2) The American Revolution = 10
3) Manifest Destiny = 12
4) Immigration and the Common Ideal = 15
III. Characteristics of American Exceptionalism and US Foreign Policy = 20
1. Moral Superiority of America: Good and Evil = 21
2. Universalisation of American Value: Optimistic and Future-oriented = 25
3. US Global Leadership: Exemplar and Crusader = 30
IV. American Exceptionalism and Foreign Policymaking of George W. Bush Administration = 42
1. American Exceptionalism and Foreign Policy of Neo-conservatives = 43
2. American Exceptionalism in the Cases of George W.Bush Administration’s Foreign Policy = 52
1) 9/11 Terrorist Attack and US-IRAQ War = 52
2) Missile Defense Project = 57
3) Middle East Partnership Initiatives = 60
V. Conclusion = 63
Bibliography = 66