검색 상세

1840年代 프랑스 宣敎師들의 朝鮮 入國試圖와 西海 海路 : The Attempt of Korean Entry of French Missionaries in the 1840''s and the Seaway of the West Sea

  • 발행기관 서강대학교 대학원
  • 지도교수 정두희
  • 발행년도 2008
  • 학위수여년월 2008. 8
  • 학위명 석사
  • 학과 및 전공 사학과
  • 식별자(기타) 000000108376
  • 본문언어 한국어


이 論文은 페레올(Ferre>ol) 主敎가 構想하였으며 金大建 神父가 實行한 프랑스 宣敎師들의 朝鮮 入國路 開拓 過程과 그 結果에 대해 살펴보기 위한 것이다. 특히 西海 海路를 통한 입국로 개척에 重點을 두었다.페레올 주교가 조선 代牧區長으로 임명된 1843년 이전에도 선교사들의 입국로를 개척하기 위한 試圖들이 있었다. 조선이 淸에 보낸 赴京使行이 있을 때 義州 邊門과 鳳凰城 柵門으로 이어지는 길을 이용하였다. 이 길을 조선 敎會의 密使들이 이용하였고 周文謨 신부가 이 길을 통해 입국하기도 하였다. 그리고 세 명의 프랑스 선교사들이 같은 경로로 입국한 사례도 있다. 그러나 1839년의 己亥迫害 이후에 이 곳을 통한 선교사 입국은 물론이거니와 밀사의 연락도 두절되었다.다른 한편으로 해로를 통해 입국하려는 시도가 모색되기도 하였다. 유진길은 브뤼기에르(Bruguie



The purpose of this thesis is to find about the process to seek Korean entry route of French missionaries. Bishop Ferre>ol envisioned this work And Father Kim-Dae-Geon practiced it. This thesis also put great emphasis on the exploitation of the entry route through the seaway of The West Sea.
There were attempts to seek entry route of missionaries before 1843: Bishop Ferre>ol was appointed to Korean Vicar Apostolic in that year. In those days, the envoy''s march which Korea(Jo-seon) sent to China(Cheong) was in existence. They used the route to be connected from Bonghwang-seong Chaek-mun to Ui-ju Byeon-mun. The secrets messengers of Korean church utilized this route. Father Ju-Mun-Mo also entered through this way. Three French missionaries came in by similar way too. But the entry of missionary through this place and the connection of secret messenger were interrupted after 1839''s Persecution.
On the other hand, the attempt to enter through a seaway was groped. Yu-Jin-Gil posted a letter to Bishop Bruguie On December 1842, Kim-Dae-Geon seached around Ui-ju Byeon-mun. He met Kim Francisco on the envoy''s march of the Winter Solstice at that time. The actual circumstance of 1839''s Persecution and the situation of Korean church were reported on the outside. The connection with Korean church have been cut off since 1839''s Persecution. It restored after three years. He tried out infiltration in Korea after succeeding to contact with secret messenger. He wanted to take Father Maistre in Korea. Therefore he entered alone to Korea on February of the next year. But he should return as it failed to attain the desired end.
Bishop Ferre>ol was appointed to Korean Vicar Apostolic in 1843. After that, he envisioned the entry route to penetrate effectively in Korea. And he selected Father Kim with practician of his plot. He was seminarian at that time. Bishop Ferre>ol thought that Korean priest effectively would practice this plot. Besides Father Kim had courage, bravery and geographical faculty. These became importants backgrouds that he was selected.
At first, they envisioned and attempted the plan to enter through a land route. This route was passing Ui-ju Byeon-mun or the Northeast. Kim-Dae-Geon directly explored this area and attempt a entry. But this didn''t succeed. The reason was that it would be dangerous to french missionaries of different appearance. Besides a guard of the frontier had been solemn since 1839''s Persecution.
Kim Dae-Geon was ordained deacon on December 1844. Thereafter he entered to Korea alone. Then he received direction from Bishop Ferre>ol to inquire the plan to enter through the Seaway of The West Sea. When he went to Shang-hai to be ordained priest, he passed by seaway. He was ordained priest on August 1845. After that, he entered to Korea with Bishop Ferre>ol and Father Daveluy by similar way.
However the seaway also was dangerous and uncertain because of strict surveillance and wind wave. So Bishop Ferre>ol envisioned a method to use Chinese fishing craft to come and go in coast of Hwang-hai-do for a fishery. And he commanded exploitation of entry route by this method to Father Kim. Father Kim was arrested in Sun-wi-do on the way exploration of this coast for this work. And he died a martyr.
The exploitation of entry route was shrunk for a little time due to aftereffect of Father Kim''s arrest and martyr. But it was continued to attempt to enter by Ui-ju Byeon-mun and coast of Hwang-hai-do in the long run. Father Choi-Yang-Eob entered to Korea by Ui-ju Byeon-mun on December 1849. Three missionaries headed by Bishop Berneux arrived in Korea by coast of Hwang-hai-do on March 1856. Thereafter another missionaries used similar seaway. Besides Father Kim made geographics datas on his way to exploit. They were utilized to entry of missionaries actually.
The attempt of Korean Entry of French Missionaries in the 1840''s merely partially succeed in those days. Afterward they entered by this route as well as delivered letters and objects. The seaway of the West Sea became the major entry route of missionaries. In the long view, I think that these works greatly contribute to development of Korean Catholic Church.
