한국 전후소설의 수사학적 연구 : Rhetorical Study on Post-War Novels of Korea
- 발행기관 서강대학교 대학원
- 지도교수 우찬제
- 발행년도 2008
- 학위수여년월 2008. 2
- 학위명 박사
- 학과 및 전공 국어국문
- 식별자(기타) 000000107723
- 본문언어 한국어
본고는 전쟁 체험이 작가의 문학적 상상력을 지배했던 戰後의 소설을 대상으로 하여 그 서사구조 속에 구현된 주체의 인식을 수사학적 특성을 통해 규명하고자 하였다. 본고의 방법론이 되고 있는 수사학은 설득과 장식을 위한 도구로서의 수사학이 아니라, 주체의 사고 과정을 제시하는 인식론적 수사학이다. 인간의 본질적인 특성을 드러내는 한 양상으로 수사학을 이해한다면, 수사학적 연구는 서사의 주체가 되는 인물의 인식과 깊이 관련을 맺게 된다. 서사체에서 인물은 다른 어떤 종류의 재현보다도 비유적이고, 사건의 의미망을 형성하는 주체이자 독자의 욕망을 대리충족하고 확산시키는 매개체이다. 이러한 인물주체가 어떠한 방식으로 존재하는가, 즉 주체가 대상 또는 세계를 어떻게 인식하고 바라보는가에 따라 수사학적 방법도 달라지기 마련이다. 본고에서는 이 인물주체를 중심으로 하여 수사학적 방법론을 전개한다. 구체적으로 말하자면, 인식주체인 작중인물의 대상인식 방법과 이 인물과 관계 맺고 있는 현실의 제반 요건들이 텍스트에서 어떻게 의미화되는지, 그리고 인물주체의 자기인식 방법 등을 수사적 특성을 통해 살피고자 한 것이다. 연구 대상은 전후 구세대와 신세대의 대표적 작가인 김동리와 황순원, 그리고 장용학과 손창섭의 전후소설이다. 대상 텍스트는 단순히 전쟁 후에 씌어진 소설들을 총칭하는 의미라기보다는 6․25가 남긴 정치, 경제, 사회적 의미의 소설내적 반영이란 시각에서 고려된 것이다.
전후의 서사에서는 전쟁이라는 극한적 세계에 대한 경험과 전후의 불안, 절망 그리고 부조리한 현실에 대한 작가의 대응 전략이 드러난다. 작가들은 타자와의 대비는 물론 세계와의 대립을 통해 끊임없이 동일성의 문제를 제기한다. 동일성은 객관세계의 상실과 자아상실이라는 두가지 위기감에서 야기되는데, 전자는 자아와 세계의 일체감으로서의 동일성 문제이고, 후자는 자아의 재발견에 관한 문제이다. 다시 말해 주체로서의 자아가 타인들 또는 외부세계와 조화를 이루고 있느냐 그렇지 않으면 대립, 갈등을 일으키고 있느냐는 측면과 ‘어제의 나와 오늘의 나는 같은가 다른가’, ‘진정한 나는 무엇인가’하는 물음으로 나뉠 수 있다”. 이는 다시 전후의 현실 속에서 이미 대상화된 인간의 지위 회복과 실질적인 인간성 복구문제를 다룸으로써, 인간을 주체로 자리매김하고자 하는 의도와 다르지 않다. 주체는 타자와의 관계 속에서 자기 자신을 확립하는 존재이기 때문에 타자와의 관계, 사회 현실과의 관계 또는 주체 자신과의 관계 등 여러 관계를 통해 자기 동일성을 구현하게 되는 것이다. 자아와 대상 혹은 세계와의 충만한 합일이 이루어지고, 자아에 대한 통합적 인식을 얻게 되는 경우 동일성을 자각하게 되고, 이와 반대로 세계에 대해 환멸과 혐오, 그리고 저항으로 맞서게 되거나 자아에 대한 분열적 인식에 놓이게 된다면 자아 동일성은 상실되었다고 볼 수밖에 없다.
한편, 작가의 동일성에 대한 탐색은 구체적으로 텍스트 속에서 ‘인물’을 통해 형상화되고 있다. 본고에서 중점적으로 논하고자 하는 것은, 첫째 작중인물이 타자나 대상을 바라보는 방식의 문제, 둘째 전후의 부정적 현실을 대면하고 있는 인물의 인식을 효과적으로 재현해 주는 요소들에 관한 문제, 셋째 자기 자신에 대한 자의식의 구현문제이다. 이와 같은 전후의 주체성에 대한 인식을 본고는 서사구조 및 수사학과의 관련성을 토대로 고찰하였다.
인물주체의 대상 인식방식을 은유와 환유적 수사학으로, 인물과 전후의 현실을 형상화하는 여러 기제들을 상징과 알레고리로, 그리고 인물주체의 자의식 혹은 자기모순을 아이러니를 통해 논하였다. 또한 이 수사학적 연구 방법은 서사체의 스토리(story), 텍스트(text), 서술(discourse) 세 층위와의 관련하에서 논의될 것이다. 작품에 대한 본격적인 논의에 해당하는 3장에서는 김동리, 황순원, 장용학과 손창섭의 전후 작품을 대상으로, 1절은 스토리 층위에서 드러난 인물주체의 대상인식을 다룰 것이고, 2절은 텍스트 층위에서 인물을 형상화하는 기제들을 논할 것이며, 3절에서는 현실을 냉철하게 응시하고 그것을 자신의 내면에서 의미화하는 주체의 반성적 의식을 서술층위에서 논하였다.
This thesis was intended to explain the subject''s recognition embodied in narrative structure according to the rhetorical characteristics, mainly focused on post-war novels where the authors'' literary imagination was dominated by the experience of the war. The rhetoric, the methodology of this thesis, is an epistemological one presenting the subject''s process of thinking, rather than an instrumental one for persuasion and ornament. If the rhetoric is understood as an aspect to reveal the essential characteristics of human-beings, the rhetorical study comes into close relation with the recognition of the character, the subject of the narrations. In narrative, the character is more allegoric than any other re-creations and is also an intermediary to satisfy and spread its desires on behalf of the readers as well as a subject to form the meanings of incidents. The rhetorical methods are subject to change according as how the characters are presented, in other words how the characters recognize the objects or the world. In this thesis, the rhetorical methodologies will be described mainly on the characters. Specifically, the thesis is intended to find out how the characters'' ways of recognition and the surroundings of realities are meaningfully integrated in texts, and how the characters recognize themselves etc. through the rhetorical characteristics. The texts are the post-war novels of Kim, Dong-Ri and Hwang, Soon-Won, the representative old-generation novelists, and of Jang, Yong-Hak and Sohn, Chang-Seob, the representative new-generation novelists. The texts were selected in accordance with the point of view in which they reflected the political, economical, and social implications resulted from the Korean War, rather than they were just written after the war.
The post-war narrations show the experience of war-torn extreme world, the post-war anxieties and despairs, and the writers'' way of response to unreasonable realities. The authors constantly bring up the matters of identification by opposing to the world as well as to the others. The matter of identification is caused by two critical aspects: the loss of objective worlds and the deprivation of the self. The former is identification matter as the sense of oneness between the self and the world, and the latter is about rediscovering the self. In other words, the one is whether the subjective self is harmonized with others, the outer worlds, or confronted with them. And the other is the questions like "whether the ''yesterday-I'' and ''today-I'' is the same or not?" or "What is the ''true-I''?" This idea is not different from the intention to focus on the human-beings, by dealing with recovering human integraties and restoring humanities in post-war realities. Because the self establishs itself in relation with others, it comes to the embodiment of self-identification through several relations with others, social realities or itself etc. If the unity comes between self and objects, and if the self gets integratedly recognized, the identification will be realized eventually. On the contrary; if the self stands against the world with disillusion, hatred and defiance, or if the self gets disintegratedly recognized, the identification will be deprived eventually.
On the other hand, the author''s search for the identification is concretely featured through the ''characters'' in the texts. These are the main propositions in this thesis : Firstly, the matter on how the character observes the others or objects. Secondly, the matter about the elements with which the recognition of the character confronting the negative post-war realities is effectively reproduced. Thirdly, the matter of realization of self-consciousness. This recognition on post-war subjectivity was contemplated on the basis of the correlation of the narrative structure and the rhetoric in this thesis.
Also the recognition method of the subject was presented through the rhetoric of metaphor and metonymy, the mechanism featuring characters & post-war realities through symbol and allegory, and the self-consciousness or self-contradiction of characters through irony. In addition, this rhetorical method of research will be described under the correlation among three aspects: Story of narrative, Text and Disclosure. The main issues will be presented in chapter three based on the post-war novels of Kim, Dong-Ri, Hwang, Soon-Won, Jang, Yong-Hak and Sohn, Chang-Seob. The sub-chapter one(1) is about the recognition of the characters with regard to Story aspect. The sub-chapter two is about the mechanism featuring the characters found in Text aspect. And the sub-chapter three is about introspective consciousness of the subject observing the realities composedly and signifying them in itself in respect of discourse aspect.
The post-war novels of Kim, Dong-Ri are the studies on ‘the Existence'' which superintends the destiny of human-beings. The characters in Kim''s novels were not only deprived of the families, love and social fames, but also their identities on the selves on account of the war. These characters can be regarded as the existences searching for the ways which can lead to organic integrations into the world. Most of them have firm subjectivities and recognize the objects through their subjective views. They recompose the objects with their own viewpoints based on the strong confidences in their subjectivities. This shows a method to solve their anxieties and existential anguish, such as a sense of nihility on realistic lifes or a despair on the future. On the other hand, this inner-mentality is emphasized through auditory images and desperate realities. Though the characters are making their utmost efforts to regain the lost whole-ness, also seeking to be in harmony or reconciliation with realities, it stands to reason that there is a gap between the idealistic world and the realistic logic. When the characters realize the limitedness of human existences, who are never integrated into the origin and can only be binding on empirical realities, here comes ‘Irony''.
The post-war novels of Hwang, Soon-Won also present the miserableness of war and the failure of humanities. But the war-realities in his novels are only the universal aspects to present human desire, unconquerable by external suppressions, for pureness rather than any specific historical circumstances. Most of the characters in post-war novels are naive or immature persons, so they are trying to ''name'' surrounding objects or to learn out the similarity between themselves and objects with adept senses. The characters, who feel mutual sympathy or the sense of oneness with objects, are emphasized through narrative space-time and consciousness of life. And if human pureness and dignity of life are emphasized, the characters'' mental conflicts on violent realities are also underlined on the other hand. The moment one denies violent worlds, one gets to find oneself absorbed in violence. This tells us ironical conditions that brutal violence is deeply buried in the internal side of pure human beings.
The characters in novels of Jang, Yong-Hak are human existences to strengthen their pains extremely with consciousness, bringing themselves beyond human bounds, rather than to escape from the sufferings caused by war. There is no logical consistency or unity in the consciousness of the characters but just adjoining narrations of objects incidentally on the same recognizable space. However what are sincerely pursued by the characters, who recognize the realities in fragments, is represented with an allegory like fables or myths. If no utopian ideology can be sought and no improvement of realities can be expected in specific real worlds, the preserving desire for one''s ideology gets into combination with the form of allegory. And continuous questions on the self, not others, are revealed through ironies, which questions are being made by the character indulged in delusion and illusion.
The characters in novels of Sohn, Chang-Seobcan be presented nihilismistic human nature to deny the social humanities. The characters skeptical about traditional moral values are the existences possessed with extreme consciousness of misery, destiny and guilt. So they reveal that they view the objects relating to themselves through incidental, materialistic relations, that they do not signify the relations with others or the world, and also that they consider their own lives as meaningless repetitions. They completely separate themselves from objects, because they feel disappointed at the world that cannot be in harmony with others. And besides there are repeatedly physical?mental disablements of the characters and the space being closed out of their own will. These represent in allegory the disbelief in human values and furthermore the meaninglessness of them. And irony comes into existence from the conflict of one character''s own opposite elements, in other words, from the gap between one character''s inner desire and outer behaviors. After all Sohn''s novels are about the process to discover life out of death, essence out of nihility and truth out of unreasonability.