미분게임이론을 이용한 광고경쟁과 시장규모간의 관계 분석 : Analysis Relationship Between Advertising Competition and Market Size with Differential Game
- 발행기관 서강대학교 대학원
- 지도교수 이도성
- 발행년도 2007
- 학위수여년월 200702
- 학위명 석사
- 학과 및 전공 경제
- 식별자(기타) 000000103510
- 본문언어 한국어
The purpose of this study is to identify firm''s profit changes through advertising, which plays an important role in firm''s management. Since advertising and sales volume differ according to time flow, this study used an optimal dynamic technique using the differential game theory, depending on situation. This study pursued to discuss equilibrium market share and equilibrium advertising level by using nonzero-sum game. To this end, a Lanchester model, which can demonstrate market share change in the state of two firms'' competition, has been assumed, and a model that advertising competition between two firms not only directly influences each firm''s sales increase, but also competitor''s advertising can be helpful to the other firm''s profit increase was established. Under such an assumption, an equilibrium advertising level and an equilibrium market share were drawn in the case of open-loop strategy. When each firm''s variable profitability rose, each firm''s market share also went up. Discount rate level also had an impact upon the two firms'' advertising competition period. When two firms'' advertising levels are made to maximum levels, the equilibrium market share was not affected by discount rate, and market share was shown to converge into 1/2. The profit path of the whole industry in the model in this study diminished up to the advertising competition point in time, and uniform level was maintained up to the point in time when advertising competition finished. After the advertising competition finished, profit level went up, since there was no advertising expenditure any more. In conclusion, the advertising levels of the two firms become different when implementing the open-loop strategy, and the equilibrium market share becomes different depending on the two firms'' earnings structures. Discount rate had an impact upon the advertising competition period of the two firms.
The purpose of this study is to identify firm''s profit changes through advertising, which plays an important role in firm''s management. Since advertising and sales volume differ according to time flow, this study used an optimal dynamic technique using the differential game theory, depending on situation. This study pursued to discuss equilibrium market share and equilibrium advertising level by using nonzero-sum game. To this end, a Lanchester model, which can demonstrate market share change in the state of two firms'' competition, has been assumed, and a model that advertising competition between two firms not only directly influences each firm''s sales increase, but also competitor''s advertising can be helpful to the other firm''s profit increase was established. Under such an assumption, an equilibrium advertising level and an equilibrium market share were drawn in the case of open-loop strategy. When each firm''s variable profitability rose, each firm''s market share also went up. Discount rate level also had an impact upon the two firms'' advertising competition period. When two firms'' advertising levels are made to maximum levels, the equilibrium market share was not affected by discount rate, and market share was shown to converge into 1/2. The profit path of the whole industry in the model in this study diminished up to the advertising competition point in time, and uniform level was maintained up to the point in time when advertising competition finished. After the advertising competition finished, profit level went up, since there was no advertising expenditure any more. In conclusion, the advertising levels of the two firms become different when implementing the open-loop strategy, and the equilibrium market share becomes different depending on the two firms'' earnings structures. Discount rate had an impact upon the advertising competition period of the two firms.