검색 상세

쿠르노 모형과 버트란드 모형의 진입저지 가능성 비교에 대한 연구 : The Possibilities of Entry-Deterrence in Cournot and Bertrand Model with Differentiated Goods

  • 발행기관 서강대학교 대학원
  • 지도교수 왕규호
  • 발행년도 2006
  • 학위수여년월 200608
  • 학위명 석사
  • 학과 및 전공 경제
  • 식별자(기타) 000000103276
  • 본문언어 한국어


This paper analyzes the possibilities of entry-deterrence in Cournot and Bertrand duopoly model with differentiated goods. If the established firm can commit his quantity or price, it is harder for the established firm to deter entry under Cournot competition than Bertrand competition provided that the degree of product differentiation close to 1, which means the goods are almost homogeneous. Similarly, if the established firm can invest a pre-entry capacity, which gives the established firm a commitment power, it is harder for the established firm to deter entry under Cournot competition than Bertrand competition unless the degree of product differentiation is close to 0, which means the goods are nearly independent. Hence, the possibilities of entry-deterrence in Cournot and Bertrand model depends on the degree of product differentiation. This results from the difference between the established firm''s profits in Cournot and Bertrand model. While the established firm''s profit is positive in Cournot model, it is close to 0 in Bertrand model, especially with homogeneous goods, therefore the potential entrant has little incentive to enter the market under Bertrand competition.
