『ㅎㆎ죠신문』에 관한 一考察 : A Study of Haejosinmun(ㅎㆎ죠신문)
- 주제(KDC) 070.000
- 설명문(일반) 이 논문은 본 여구소에서 주최한 제8회 언론문화연구발표회(주제 : 言論史의 제문제 ; 날짜 : 1987. 10.24
- 발행기관 서강대학교 언론문화연구소
- 발행년도 1988
- 총서유형 Journal
- 본문언어 한국어
Haejosinmun made its first appearance on February 26, 1908, as a newspaper for Korean residents in Vladivostok. They were Yi-Bum-Jin and Choi Bong-jun who took the lead in publishing Haejosinmun. Haejosinmun explored ways toward the restoration of Korea's nationhood. It was daily issued in Korean, not in Russian nor in Chinese. As for its contents, Haejosinmun urged upon Korean people the importance of education and enlightment. Almost every day, it did not only refer to Korean resistants' activities in Korean territory, but also make severe criticisms against Japanese brutalities. Before long, the newspaper could not help changing its tone of arguments because the Japanese Residency-General incessantly strived to confiscate its issues and put a commercial pressure on the boss of the newspaper company, Choi Bong-jun. As a result, it lost a lot of readers, and ultimately it ceased to be published shortly after the 75th issue on May 26, 1908. In conclusion, it was the first newspaper that was published by Korean nationalists in a Russian district, and it played the role of a forerunner for the following newspapers aspiring for the independence of Korea.