漢城旬報에 관한 文化的 解釋 : A Cultural Interpretation of Hansong Sunbo(漢城旬報)
- 주제(KDC) 070.000
- 발행기관 서강대학교 언론문화연구소
- 발행년도 1988
- 총서유형 Journal
- 본문언어 한국어
Most researchers who have worked on the Hansong Sunbo, the first modern newspaper in Korea published in 1883, have focused on the intentions and activities of Kaehwapa(開化派) which had striven in the decade to reform the feudalistic system in a radical way. This perspective has been based on the existing historical paradigm which has viewed the late-19C Korea as having been led by the two opposite blocks, one progressive, and the other reactionary. Due to this viewpoint, the publication of the first modern newspaper and its progressive contents have been ascribed only to the radical reformist groups. In the publication of the papers, however, various intentions/activities of several different groups/powers at home and abroad had been entangled. Moreover, the fact that the news organization Pangmunguk(博文局) was an affiliate of the Minssi(閔氏) government and was subject consequently to its direct control, undermines the 'progressive vs reactionary' assumption. We cannot suppose that a 'progressive' newspaper could be published under the control of the 'reactionary.' Therefore Lee Kwang-lin's suggestion that the Minssi government should be looked upon as a modest reformist group should be taken into account in order to pass by the contradictions caused by the binary oppositional perspective. To begin with, this paper is intended to comprise all the possible groups/influential powers related to the publication. This aims at revealing the diversities of the intentions/practices which were the cultural ground in creating the newspaper. The corporation of these divergent intentions by the hegemony of the Minssi government is discussed afterwards. If the cooptation policy exerted by that government is proved to be true in terms of historical facts, the major concern of that newspaper can be described as that of modest reformists, namely 'East Truth and West Technique(東道西器)' orientation to which the Minssi government agreed in the early 1880's. This paper is heavily obliged to Lee Kwang-lin in the interpretation of historical facts, and also to Raymond Williams in viewing the newspaper as a cultural product which is basically to be traced back to the cultural practices/intentions of the groups concerned.
1. 기존연구
2. 漢城旬報의 해석을 둘러싼 論點 및 본고의 관점
3. 漢城旬報에 관련된 해외의 문화적 영향력
(1) 일본의 영향
(2) 청의 영향
4. 漢城旬報에 관련된 國內政派들의 의도와 활동
(1) 개화당
(2) 민씨정권
(3) 온건개화파
5. 관련 제집단의 신문발행 의지의 통합
6. 漢城旬報의 성격 및 의의에 관한 논의
7. 결론